Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Job Status

To update the status of job postings, please utilize the following instructions:

1)  Upon logging in to your account, you will see six blue boxes or tabs at the top of the screen.
2)  Scroll down to the posting you wish to modify.
3)  Scroll to the right to the Job Status box.
4)  Select the status of your position.  The options are:
a.     Expired (the posting of the position has expired, meaning the date selected for applications to be accepted has passed).
b.    Filled with KEEB (the position has been filled with an applicant from the KEEB site)
c.     Filled (the position has been filled)
d.    Open (the position remains open and applications are being accepted)
e.     Pending (the position has been filled pending applicant acceptance and/or board approval)
5)  Click OK in the pop up screen to confirm modification of the job status selection.

Please be sure to modify your positions accordingly, particularly if positions have been filled and you no longer wish to receive applications.  The start date of the application cannot be modified, but the date of expiration can be changed.  Positions that remain as EXPIRED will not appear as active in searches by potential applicants.

Please contact KEEB staff with questions concerning job status selections by emailing or via phone at 620-724-6281 or 913-638-0151.