Shanna Riecker
Math Teacher
Garden City High School
Why did you become a teacher? Math Teacher
Garden City High School

Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher. I conducted “classes” for all of the neighborhood kids from a very early age. Until my senior year of high school, I was sure that I wanted to be a first grade teacher – I wanted to be just like Mrs. P. was when I was in first grade. My high school offered an Exploring Teaching class where seniors were allowed to go to an elementary school and be a teacher’s aide for a class, and of course, I chose to go into a first grade classroom. It didn’t take me long to figure out that wasn’t the right place for me. In a discussion with my counselor, she mentioned that I should consider secondary education, and I took her advice. I majored in mathematics secondary education because math was something that was usually easy for me, and I enjoyed the endless possibilities with teaching math. I enjoyed the time that I got to spend in middle school and high school classrooms throughout my coursework, and I knew that this was what I was meant to do. After college graduation, I took a job teaching high school math in Garden City, Kansas. It wasn’t where I figured I would end up teaching, but the experience thus far has been wonderful.
What was your first year of teaching like?
Garden City High School was an amazing place to start my teaching career. The math department had all of the qualities that I was looking for – the teachers were positive, they collaborated, they were willing to try new methods of teaching, they utilized technology whenever possible, and they welcomed me into their “family” with open arms. Any time I had a question (or still have a question), there were 16 other teachers ready to...
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