Many districts are now interviewing potential candidates who live in various locations across the state of Kansas or in another state. Today’s technology provides a number of options for interviewing these candidates from another location. Voice over Internet Protocol, or often referred to as VoIP, allows you to make free phone calls over the internet. New tools in VoIP make it even easier to make video calls, which allow the callers to see each other and make the distance interview more personal. Here are two common programs you can use to conduct video conferencing interviews that are free.

- Skype – Free video conferencing calls to anyone with a Skype account. Your district could set up an administrative account and an interviewee account. Then candidates would just need to download the Skype software to connect to you. The screenshot to the right is an example from Skype of what a voice call would look like within their software.
- Yugma – Free teleconferencing capabilities that also have features similar to webinars if you wanted to offer an online information session about your district. Yugma just requires you to sign up for a free account.
Each of these programs will require a camera to conduct video interviews. A decent webcam can range in price from $50 to $100. Many of today’s new computers come with built in webcams, so your applicants may already have access to this technology. If you are interested in conducting video interviews or learning more contact me at
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