The Teacher Education and Licensure Division at KSDE has teamed up with KEEB to provide information for job seekers on Kansas teaching licenses. This information provides step-by-step directions for individuals who are interested in obtaining a Kansas teaching license. Job seekers can select which area sounds most like them, whether they are licensed in another state, just beginning college, are a current college student, or are interested in a new career. The image above provides an example of the kind of information career changers can find on the new webpage. In addition to directions, the resource provides links to all the necessary information you may need, from license applications, locating teacher prep programs to finding scholarship opportunities. This resource is intended for job seekers as well as a resource for school districts and special education cooperatives as they assist their new teachers and staff through the licensure process. To view the new resource visit www.kansasteachingjobs.com and click on Become a Teacher in the KEEB Main Menu.
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