Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Design to the KEEB Employer Account Page

We continue to modify and improve the Kansas Education Employment Board (KEEB) to meet both the needs of both the job seekers and employers. Based on feedback from a number of districts we have modified the employer account page slightly to increase it's usability. Below is a screenshot of the new My Account page for Employers.

New Administrative Design in KEEB

When you login as an employer, you will now see a list of positions you have stored in KEEB under the Current Job Postings heading. The white column in your list of jobs contains information on how many applications have been received. To view those applications you just click on the (#) applied link.

You will also notice periodic messages in red font notifying you of changes and suggestions for using KEEB. In addition, by clicking on the RSS: Statewide Kansas Applicants you can view the latest applications added to KEEB by job seekers. These are not unique to your district or school, but are another tool you can use to locate potential candidates. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the new revisions.

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